Friday, July 18, 2008

Walmart Drugs: How Cheap are they?

Walmart Drugs are Cheap

Walmart drugs are really cheap. You can learn more here.

You already don't feel well and then you get the pharmacy bill, only To find the bill is larger than expected. If prescription costs are making you feel a little sick here are some tips that might make you feel a little better. Before buying prescriptions, try snooping around for deals and coupons and customers can end up saving hundreds of dollars per month. Here are some tips to help offset and cut high prescription costs.

1. Don't become a loyal customer. This may sound a little mean, especially if you've grown to like your pharmacist, but it can save you big money. Be on the look out for prescription transfer coupons. They offer $10, $20, even $25 gift cards with a new or transferred prescription. You'll transfer your prescription and get a gift card to buy other essentials.

2. Ask for free samples. Most doctors' offices have a stocked sample supply closet. While your at the doctor's office, ask if they have any freebies available. This will cut back on the amount you need to buy.

3. Shop around. Did you know that the prices of medication can vary significantly in cost from one pharmacy to the next? Make a few calls and see how much your medication cost other places.

4. Try generic. Several grocery store and drug store chains are offering generic drugs at deep discounts. For the price of a latte you can stock up on a months worth of antibiotics and dozens of other drugs. Some pharmacies to check out are Wal-Mart and Target.

5. Ask your doctor. By asking your doctor for unique and special deals, you may find an offer that you previously did not know. And it lets your doctor know that you are price sensitive, so when there are deals you will be the first to know.